In the Stillness

Sitting in the silence,

hoping to hear a word.

Stillness in the early hours,

thoughts of what if and when.

The pink and orange skies,

holding prayers to the Most High.

Humbled by the goodness,

caught off guard by the beauty.

Sighs of relief and release,

words spoken often unheard.

Burning flames of hope,

clinging to a knotted rope.

Wondering and asking everyday,

will today an answer appear?

Tomorrow a glimmer of what’s next,

each hour revealing the truth.

Rays of light glimmer bright,

the Lord’s plan is always right.

Questions will always remain,

reasons unknown to us.

Going the direction of next,

uncertain are the steps to take.

Silently pouring over paths to walk,

trying to listen more than talk.

Come, Holy Spirit, lead,

on your word, we must feed.