Just Two Hours

I’m sure I’m not the only one who finds herself having days of sudden tiredness, overthinking everything, or feeling unsettled from time to time. It’s probably normal to experience all or any of those emotions from time to time, and certainly there will be those times in life when you feel it more than usual. For whatever reason, this week has been a little consumed with this state of mind…and it’s only Wednesday! Today I did a few restorative, yet simple, actions I don’t often do. In just three easy steps, hopefully you can turn a day of negativity, frustration, uncertainty, or lack of confidence around!

A Ray of Sunshine

If your not-so-good day or uncertain feelings happen to fall on a day filled with any hint of sun, it will most likely be one of the easiest ways to improve your state of mind! This morning it was a little gloomy, no sun, just clouds covering the sky. As the sun came out more as the day went on, it gradually brightened my mood, as it brightened the sky. The sun just seems to make you see everything a little bit differently, a little bit better. As I got home from work, I began looking up some information on my phone for something I’ve been working on, and suddenly found myself dozing off. Yes, just sitting up reading something on my phone. This has been happening more often, and I haven’t been able to pinpoint quite why. It was then as I jolted back to reality, when I decided to get up and leave the house. I needed to get outside in the sun and be out in the world. Despite a long list of things I needed to get done, I grabbed my keys, got in the car, and drove to the beautiful outdoor mall five minutes from our house. The lake down the road and this mall are my go-to pit stops for recharging and pulling myself back together.

Grab a Bite … Alone

Yes, I said alone! Not all the time, but once in awhile, eating alone – at a restaurant – can be unexpectedly therapeutic for the mind! A few years ago, when a co-worker asked what I did for lunch, she was appalled to hear my response of grabbing something from one of the local restaurants and eating it outside on the patio … by myself! I didn’t understand why she was so shocked, but when I asked, she said she could never do that, because she’d feel like people would stare at her and think she had no one to join her for lunch. My response? “I love sitting outside and eating by myself sometimes, especially on a busy or bad day! I don’t even notice who is around, and no one ever seems to think anything of it. I see a lot of people doing the same thing, and I don’t care what they think anyway!” I don’t think that went over as a normal response, but that’s fine!

Maybe my love of doing this started back in college, when time alone in quiet became something to appreciate more than ever. I can’t even fully explain what it is I find so enjoyable or peaceful, but afterwards, I always feel a little more refreshed and refocused! If this is not something you make a habit every now and then, I highly recommend giving it a try! It will make you feel better, at the very least. Today’s choice, which I’m not saying was a healthy one, was eating outside at Chick-fil-A at the mall I mentioned earlier. I should mention I felt a little regretful of the food choice I made at Chick-fil-A and later came home, did a short workout, and had hard boiled eggs, a salad, and cottage cheese for dinner!

Indulge – minimally

Indulgence isn’t often given as advice to turn a day around, but the type of indulging I’m referring to is pretty harmless and minimal! I used to indulge way more often than I do now, mostly when it came to shopping, pampering, and socializing/eating out. When you get married and own a home, that’s just something which should naturally dissipate, for the sake of improving and saving for your family.

This doesn’t mean all luxuries should be put to rest! You still need to enjoy yourself from time to time. I will admit, when I go out with a friend, get my hair or nails done, or buy something new, I do probably get a little too excited. Another reason I have gone through the last few years trying to almost cut out clothes and accessories shopping, is due to the fact that once I start to buy a few things, I tend to get a little carried away and want to keep going! It hasn’t been easy to slow my shopping habits, but it has been worth it. It has also helped me practice self-discipline! For these reasons, I have come to appreciate the little indulges so very much! Back to today … my small purchase, after Chick-fil-A, came at the small price of just $9.99. I had been looking for a pair of gray leggings to replace mine, and I stumbled upon them during a quick stop into H&M. After H&M, I decided that was enough, so I went home and already felt better and motivated to do the short workout I mentioned earlier!

This little refresher outing took just two hours out of the day. That’s all it takes! Most people, if they find it worth it for their own well-being, can carve out one or two hours to refocus their energy. We all hear it so often … if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be good for others or able to support those you love. It’s an easy piece of advice to dismiss, because we usually put ourselves last. More often lately, I’ve started to remember I need to have periods of time to refocus myself and keep my priorities in check. It really does make a difference, and I hope you can use these tips to make time now and then for restoration!


The Podcast Perk


A Great Lake Getaway